We, as an innovative company with many university cooperations, have more than 100 property rights. Among them, there are absolute new developments and innovations.
They were developed, bought or exclusively licensed by designer, inventors or other companies according to the requirements of enterprises or end customers.
Many of our patents cannot be find on our website. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn more and we present them personally to you, also prior to market launch.
More important than property rights however, is the option that we realise our customer’s requirements with our design team in Asia as well as engineers and thus to ensure an absolute unique selling point.
Extract from our publications
The institute Statista in Hamburg and Focus Business determined the 500 fast-growing companies in Germany.
We are among the top. In the past three years, we were able to record a growth of 400% through development and production of innovative promotional products and gift items.
Intelligent packaging – current press release
Food waste has become the focus of the media lately due to the current expiration date.
Since our patent product Open Monitor offers a solution in the form of an intelligent packaging, we received many requests from the press.

Food newspaper 2020: Extensive report about the smart label U4Food
Open Monitor is an innovative company for technology and research which is working on latest trends for the consumer market. All working and project areas for the development of creative solutions are customised according to your needs – from idea to the implementation in your workflow. Expertise from food saving for refrigerated products to 4 in 1 advertisement.
The first product will be a sticker which controls the time of the opening of the refrigerated product where an aluminium window shows, depending on time, humidity and temperature, the handling instruction to the customers in order to avoid food waste.
Already aired were articles about Open Monitor on TV at RTL (Punkt 12, RTL aktuell), ntv, a the SW3 Landesschau as well as the radio stations SWR3 and Rockland Radio. You will find Several TV reports under the following links in the media library: